We understand that many children are apprehensive at the dental office. We strive to provide excellent dental care in the most comfortable setting for every patient. If your child experiences anxiety at a level that interferes with either routine or corrective dental care, we have options that can help. We will discuss your concerns, your child’s needs, and what methods may provide the most reassuring care for your child. We are here to answer all your questions and address any worries. Together, we will determine the optimal individualized approach for your child.


Nitrous Oxide / Oxygen
Sedation “Laughing Gas”

An easy and simple way of helping your child feel comfortable and calm during a dental appointment. Nitrous oxide is a safe gas administered from a mask fitted over your child’s nose. It helps your child relax quickly, and wears off just as quickly afterward. Dosage is easily and carefully adjusted based on their response. Your child remains awake and responsive throughout the entire procedure. Nitrous oxide is more successful for children who are only mildly anxious.

Conscious Sedation

A way of using oral medications to help your child relax without putting them to sleep. Conscious sedation is performed using oral medication(s), sometimes in conjunction with nitrous oxide (“laughing gas”). The type of oral sedative and dosage are tailored to your child’s needs and weight.

Calabasas Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics

Iv Sedation

Performed in-office by an anesthesiologist fully trained in outpatient anesthesia. Advances in anesthesia techniques have made it possible to provide safe, reliable, and economical anesthesia services for children in the dental office. The following patients typically require advanced anesthesia services for dental care:

  • Children below the age of 5, who are often unable to cooperate with needed dental care, especially if the treatment is extensive and time consuming.
  • Children with previous bad experiences in the dental office or who have become frightened by scary stories told by siblings or other individuals.
  • Children with special medical or behavioral needs who present challenges to the delivery of dental care.

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